
Python dropbox download file
Python dropbox download file

python dropbox download file

A mode will tell Python to open a file as reading(“r”), writing(“w”), appending(“a”), or creating(“x”). This is a way we are able to open up a file from our script. The open function is used to open a file and return it as a file object in Python. I prefer to open files using the with syntax. The with keyword assists with error handling, and automatically calls the close() method if it is implemented. “Do not use this to upload a file larger than 150 MB”

python dropbox download file

with open(filename, 'rb') as f: dbx.files_upload(f.read(), path=f"/CLIENTS/policy.pdf") Let’s take a look at how to upload a single file via the API. It gives several bits of instruction that help us use a single file upload. The API documentation for a single file upload can be found HERE. This dbx variable is located in the screenshot above. That is for another blog post, but something to always keep in mind when using sensitive information such as API keys.Īlright, so we have our dbx variable representing an instance of our Dropbox account. Using environment variables and excluding environment variables from being committed to version control is very important. dbx = dropbox.Dropbox("API_KEY") OR dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(os.environ.get("DROPBOX_KEY")) The API key is implemented in the following code. If you’re following this post, I recommend you generate a key as well if you have not already. Let’s go through the code! Now, to access the Dropbox API I needed to generate an API key in our business account.

Python dropbox download file