
What is tor network
What is tor network

what is tor network

The Tor network entails of Tor relays which route traffic. Originally Tor was called The Onion Router this is because this software uses a technique known as onion routing to conceal information about user activity. TOR is typically designed to stop people (including the government agencies and corporations) to track a user’s identity, location or browsing habits. This is a non-profit organization which conducts research and development on the online privacy and obscurity.

what is tor network

The Tor Project has developed Tor Network. Putting in simple words, Tor is software that allows the users to browse the Web anonymously.

what is tor network

TOR or the Onion Router is a free software and open network which allows users to improve their privacy and security over the Internet. Here is a detailed analysis of Tor or The Onion Router network and how it is used. Thus, it hides the real source of the communication and secures user’s personal identity. And the Tor Network works perfectly here, as it routes the user’s system’s Internet traffic over several places on the Internet. In this era of free-flowing data most of us use the Internet connection and have access to information from all across the world at our fingertips. There are many prying eyes on you trying to get a piece of your secret information. The Internet is definitely not a secure place for exchanging information.

What is tor network